It’s interesting that you feel so behind, and Emma also expresses that she wished she had found certain body practices sooner as well. Maybe this behindness you feel is just the signal that you’ve reached a time in your life where it would feel good to explore, and you simply weren’t ready until now. I'm also wondering at what stage in their life were the other people sitting around that table. Maybe they didn't get to those embodied activities any earlier. I say this as a 47-year-old who only found Pilates and short walks two years ago and hated every form of "movement" all of my life until then.
Yes, readiness is everything. After moving to intuitive eating, I took a full two years away from exercise until I could trust myself to come back to movement practices from a place of self-acceptance and deep care. I still do the same sports, just with less rigidity, more gentleness, and an occasional massage. There is no too late or behind. And if you’re ready, there’s now.
I am so excited to hear that you’re offering another class! My poorly articulated vote is for something about how people who enjoy writing (nonfiction, particularly) can explore the craft of writing and make progress toward publicly sharing their work.
I'm coming to this late, but I was intrigued by your set-up, Emma, about a body "falling behind." Mine, at age 61, is falling apart, piece by piece. Recently, though, as I woke up I noticed that, as usual, I was holding my breath. So I started to breath (four counts in, hold for a while, four counts out, hold until I want to breathe again.) And I thought, for the first time in forever or ever maybe even: I _LOVE_ MY BODY. What I loved was the internal, obvious things: the feeling of my lungs, the heart going bump bump, the very rare resting state. I hadn't been swimming because of a shoulder problem. But when I got back into the water anyway and did what I could, I found that my lungs and heart and general sense of heat returned to my consciousness. And I felt so much relief. There is so much to a body.
PS. one of the things I loved about "Housemates" was how much Leah's feelings, in particular, registered in her body--how you described that. It was such a pleasure to read, to recognize, "oh, yeah."
It’s interesting that you feel so behind, and Emma also expresses that she wished she had found certain body practices sooner as well. Maybe this behindness you feel is just the signal that you’ve reached a time in your life where it would feel good to explore, and you simply weren’t ready until now. I'm also wondering at what stage in their life were the other people sitting around that table. Maybe they didn't get to those embodied activities any earlier. I say this as a 47-year-old who only found Pilates and short walks two years ago and hated every form of "movement" all of my life until then.
I love this framing of "simply not ready until now" and not judging ourselves for however long that takes. Thanks Dacy <3
Yes, readiness is everything. After moving to intuitive eating, I took a full two years away from exercise until I could trust myself to come back to movement practices from a place of self-acceptance and deep care. I still do the same sports, just with less rigidity, more gentleness, and an occasional massage. There is no too late or behind. And if you’re ready, there’s now.
Wow thank you for coming to Western Mass!! Adding this to the calendar for chilly November <3
Woohoo! Cannot wait to hang with all the funnest MA queers & fats
Thanks for directing us to Emma's work!
my pleasure!
I am so excited to hear that you’re offering another class! My poorly articulated vote is for something about how people who enjoy writing (nonfiction, particularly) can explore the craft of writing and make progress toward publicly sharing their work.
Ooh I love this. Like how to overcome the barriers to sharing? Or how to start articulating and separating ideas?
I'm coming to this late, but I was intrigued by your set-up, Emma, about a body "falling behind." Mine, at age 61, is falling apart, piece by piece. Recently, though, as I woke up I noticed that, as usual, I was holding my breath. So I started to breath (four counts in, hold for a while, four counts out, hold until I want to breathe again.) And I thought, for the first time in forever or ever maybe even: I _LOVE_ MY BODY. What I loved was the internal, obvious things: the feeling of my lungs, the heart going bump bump, the very rare resting state. I hadn't been swimming because of a shoulder problem. But when I got back into the water anyway and did what I could, I found that my lungs and heart and general sense of heat returned to my consciousness. And I felt so much relief. There is so much to a body.
PS. one of the things I loved about "Housemates" was how much Leah's feelings, in particular, registered in her body--how you described that. It was such a pleasure to read, to recognize, "oh, yeah."